Soul Work

Life has a way of sweeping us up in its busyness. There are dishes that need cleaning, meetings to attend, taxes to do.

But sometimes…we stop and look up at the infinite night sky and for a moment we remember that there is more going on here.  Much more. 

A few years ago, something began to open for me. A sense of connection and trust that allowed me to live more surrendered. Surrendered to what? We can call it Spirit, Love, God. Whatever it is, it’s beyond any label we give it and it’s right here, all the time, hidden in plain view. 

And soul work is the phrase I use to describe the ‘work’ of attuning our hearts to it and living with more awareness of it.  I believe for most of us, this is a process of letting go of control and fear and learning how to be more present.

I also believe everyone’s soul work is unique, because everyone’s life is unique.  And in a sense, we are all already doing soul work as we grow from our experiences.  But what a difference it makes to do it intentionally!  To take seriously that we have a sacred center, a soul, and that soul is on a journey. 

Maybe this all sounds a little ‘out there,’ but I think soul work is actually quite natural for us and it’s what we most deeply hunger for.  It’s when we don’t pay attention to our souls that life get confusing.  That’s when we feel lost in an endless string of dishes, meetings, and taxes and we wonder, “Is this all there is?”

Which is why I write, do one-on-one coaching, and lead retreats on all of this. When we pay attention to our souls, life becomes sacred again.  And even something as mundane as doing the dishes can feel holy. 

(Now doing the taxes…that might be pushing it.)