The Open Gate

I regularly write about soul work within an online forum for writers called Substack.  My page is called The Open Gate.  I named it that because when things started shifting for me a few years ago, I felt like someone who had spent their whole life in a backyard where everything was familiar, only to discover there was a gate at the back. And through the gate, there was a beautiful field where everything was safe and good and whole.

It’s a metaphor that has been very helpful for me. These days I’m learning to move back and forth between the backyard (the familiar world of our ‘small’ selves) and the infinite field that is also true (but harder for our small selves to trust). The image of an open gate reminds me that the field is always there and we can step into it any time.

The topics I write about on Substack vary, but they all find their way back to this theme in different ways. You can sign up to receive free postings emailed to you here. There’s also a membership option to receive more in-depth postings and have access to monthly Zoom gatherings where we discuss living in these ‘two worlds.’  

Here are a few previous posts to give you a taste of it:

Through the Gate


A few things my heart says are true